Spelling Resources

Spelling tests will take place on Friday. Please ensure your child is prepared. Below is a suggested routine. Find a routine that works best for you and your child.​
Monday : Write your spelling words 5 times each in your best handwriting.
Tuesday : Draw a picture and write your spelling words in the picture.
Wednesday : Practice your words in a FUN way: shaving cream, play dough, rainbow words, magazine hunt, type them!
Thursday : Have an adult or older sibling give you a practice test.
Friday : Spelling Test

Click here to play spelling games: https://www.spellingcity.com/users/coopercastro

FRY (most common used words in English) Sight Words below:

  • Sight Words

    1. ​I

    2. like

    3. do

    4. to

    5. you

    6. he

    7. can

    8. go

    9. a

    10. has

  • Sight Words

    ​1. this

    2. is

    3. my

    4. look

    5. little

    6. where

    7. here

    8. play

    9. the

    10 we

  • Sight Words

    ​1. are

    2. me

    3. she

    4. with

    5. for

    6. and

    7. have

    8. see

    9. said

    10. was

Unit 1 Week 1

Unit 1 Week 2

Unit 1 Week 3

Unit 1 Week 4

Unit 1 Week 5

Unit 2 Week 1

Unit 2 Week 2

Unit 2 Week 3

Unit 2 Week 4

Unit 2 Week 5

Unit 3 Week 1

Unit 3 Week 2

Unit 3 Week 3

Unit 3 Week 4

Unit 3 Week 5

Unit 4 Week 1

Unit 4 Week 2

Unit 4 Week 3

Unit 4 Week 4

Unit 4 Week 5

Unit 5 Week 1

Unit 5 Week 2

Unit 5 Week 3

Unit 5 Week 4

Unit 5 Week 5

Unit 6 Week 1

Unit 6 Week 2

Unit 6 Week 3

Unit 6 Week 4

Unit 6 Week 5